Hello again, dear traveller. While I normally don't goad you (or the other travelers who humor me by corresponding with an old man), I think you may wish to return to Carinford-Halldon with all due haste. An item has come into my possession that I think may be of interest to you. Last year, we encountered some small difficulty with an Outlander. He was a magic user with a flair for the dramatic. This flashy hothead caused a few stirs locally, with a tendency to use numerous magical spells which used children's toys as a unifying thematic element. What alerted us to the danger he represented was the disappearance of three children while he was in town. He disappeared before we could find him, but my father-in-law reliably tracked him to Odiare. Unfortunately, his trail seems to grow cold, but as Nathan was able to recover the young man's effects, I believe he may have met his end in that domain. What made this man particularly noteworthy was a number of unique spells at his command, all bearing his curious signature. I'd like you to return to peruse his spellbook. With any luck this grimoire can benefit you. I would endeavor to hurry, however, as my father-in-law is likely to believe the book is his by right, and may make a deal to barter it away within the near future. Here are descriptions of a few of the more curious spells, should you be interested. 1 - Trusted Companion 3rd Level Transmutation (Wiz, Sor, War, Bard) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per caster level (5e) This spell targets a single child's toy, transforming it into a protector capable of fighting on its creator's behalf. It is capable of transforming a toy into any appropriate monster of CR 2 or less. (Transforming a stuffed lizard into a wyrmling dragon is appropriate, transforming a stuffed bear into a bulette is not.) The toy fights loyally for its creator until it is destroyed or the duration expires, at which point it transforms back into a toy. (3e) This spell transforms a single toy into an appropriate monster to fight on the creator's behalf. It can create any monster that could normally be summoned by Summon Monster III or Summon Nature's Ally III, but cannot create more than one creature per casting. In either version, the creature created is considered a construct. As such, it is not subject to critical hits or magical control that doesn't affect constructs. (A toy wolf animated by this spell could not be controlled by a Dark Lord that can control wolves.) Material Components: the toy to be transmuted. 2 - Lava Floor 2nd Level Conjuration (Sor, Wiz, Drd, Clr) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 20 ft emanation Components: V, S, M Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (5e) This spell causes the ground to generate an intense heat (which only affects creatures, not objects). At the end of every round the spell is in effect, any creature in contact with the ground takes 1d8 fire damage. This damage increases by 1d8 per round, to a maximum of one half the caster's level. (3e) As above, but the damage is 1d6, and increases by 1d6 per round, to a maximum of one-half the caster's level. Material Components: A pinch of red sand. 3- The Quiet Game 4th Level Enchantment (Wiz, Brd, Clr) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 ft + 5 ft/lvl Targets: Up to 1 creature/level Duration: 1 round/level (3e) or Concentration (5e) (5e) Each affected creature is silenced, unable to make any sort of vocalization (including spellcasting). Each round, an affected creature may make a single Wisdom saving throw (at any time, not just their action) to break the effect. A creature who successfully vocalizes takes 1d8 psychic damage for each creature still affected by the spell. (3e) As above, but the damage is 1d6 per affected creature and is psionic damage. In either version, the caster may choose to be affected by the spell, in which case they may break their own silence without suffering damage. Material Components: A bell without a clapper. 4- Porcelain Doll 5th Level Enchantment (Sor, Wiz) Casting Time: 1 round Range: 50 ft Target: 1 living creature Duration: 1 minute/caster level Save: Will negates (3e) or Wisdom negates (5e) (5e) This horrific curse strikes the target with the visage of a delicate porcelain doll. Their skin takes on a glossy white sheen and is as brittle as delicate ceramic. While affected, the target is immune to acid and resistant to fire damage, but vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. (3e) As above. The target gains immunity to acid damage, fire resistance 10, and takes double damage from bludgeoning weapons. In either version, suffering any physical damage will cause the target to suffer hideous cracks across their body, which linger after the spell's duration. These unsightly scars will permanently lower the victim's Charisma by 1. (This loss can be restored by magical means.) Material Components: A scrap of silk and a pinch of porcelain dust. 5 - Time Out 2nd Level Transmutation (Sor, Wiz, War, Brd, Clr, Drd) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 5 ft/caster level Target: 1 living creature Duration: 5 rounds Save: Will negates (3e) or Charisma negates (5e) (5e) The affected character is shunted into a pocket dimension for a brief time out. During this time they are unable to act or sense anything. After the duration expires, they appear in the space they left (or the nearest space if occupied). They are treated as if they've just completed a short rest (including any healing or regaining of any abilities), and any magical effects influencing their minds or emotions are dispelled. (3e) During the time out, any mind influencing effects on the character are dispelled. They also regain 1d6 hit points for each round spent in the time out. Material Components: A flag or whistle. Conclusion Although part of me hopes he's dead, another part of me hopes that showy bastard is still being kept alive somewhere in Maligno's realm, subjected to all manner of dark torments. No matter his eventual fate, the fact remains that the fruits of his arcane knowledge are ours (and yours) to plunder should you so desire. If you will be returning, please messenger me with all due haste. Gwendolyn so looks forward to seeing you again, as do the children. As always, wishing you safe travels and happy hunting, Frankie "Farshot" Drakeson, Lord Mayor of Carinford-Halldon Jim Stearns is a deranged hermit from the swamps of Southern Illinois. In addition to writing for the Black Library, he puts pen to paper for High Level Games and Keep on the Heathlands. His mad scribblings can frequently be found in Quoth the Raven, as well as anthologies like Fitting In or Selfies from the End of the World, by Mad Scientist Journal. Follow him on Twitter @jcstearnswriter. Leave a Reply. |
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