![]() Looking for something festive to spice up your D&D game this December? Or perhaps you are looking to run an interesting one shot to give your players a break from the weekly campaign you run. Either way, here are nine Christmas-themed enemies, filled with cliche and class, to throw at your players this holiday season. 1) Silent Knight “Sleep in heavenly peace.” Silent Knight is a noble holy warrior, one who has no patience for vocalisation. His Aura of Silence disrupts nearby spellcasters, and his martial prowess with his longsword is a challenge even to skilled warriors. And if you are bested by this knight, nobody will hear you scream. 2) O’Holy Knight “Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till I appeared and the soul felt its worth.” This blessed knight basks in his own image. He sheds light in an area around him, and delivers powerful smites to any who oppose him. If you can outmatch his skill… and perhaps his ego, then you will stand a chance at defeating him. 3) Carol, of the Bells “One seems to hear, words full of fear, from everywhere, filling the air.” This Hag is into Christmas Fear more than Christmas Cheer. With enchanted bells on a chain (animated object) she can instill a fear and hatred of Christmas ornaments, such as tinsel and bells. 4) Little Drummer Boy “Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum.” Don’t let this halfling fool you, if your feet are moving, it’s to his beat. Using a very rare form of psychic manipulation through the rhythm of his resonance, the Little Drummer Boy can control the speed and direction of the life forms around him. 5) We Three Kings Of Orient (Also 6 And 7) “Field and Fountain, Moor and Mountain, King forever, Ceasing Never, Over us all to reign.” Three kings of orient, the Shadow, the Blade, and the Bow. Respect these beings of eastern tradition, or they will tear you to pieces. The Shadow will dart from corner to corner, waiting until the perfect time to strike. The Blade will engage the toughest-looking opponent head-on, and will fight fiercely to the death. The Bow will position themselves at a vantage point, and pepper his enemies with piercing bolts. 8) T’was The Knight Before Christmas “He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work.” This powerhouse has a cold, meticulous fighting style, which is designed to cut down enemies and then finish them where they stand. He will not allow passage beyond his guardian point in Saint Nicholas’ dungeon. If you want to get past, you will have to go through him! 9) Saint Nicholas “You better watch out...” A fallen angel, Saint Nicholas is a powerful celestial warrior who has retained his divine power after going rogue. When he is calm, he is a calculating, skilled opponent, with precise blade mastery that will prove a difficult challenge for anyone in his way. But if he is wounded, you better watch out! Saint Nicholas is prone to enraging once bloodied, abandoning accuracy and composure for savage attacks and reckless strikes. Dungeons and Dragons is more than just a weekly role-playing game for you to turn up, kill some orcs, and go home. Dungeon Masters, fill your world with iconic and memorable enemies. Cliche is just icing on the cake when used in the right dose. Players, push your DMs to be more and more creative, and to experiment with their game. I hope that everyone is getting some time off in the next month or so, and is able to play some RPGs over the holidays.
Peter is an avid dungeon master, role-player, and story teller. When he's not running homebrew campaigns, he is creating new worlds, or he is reading and writing fantasy stories, forever immersing himself in the gaping black-hole known as the fantasy genre. Picture Reference: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadAssSanta Leave a Reply. |
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