4 Reasons Why You Should Always Play A Sorcerer in D&D 5th Edition (And One Reason You Shouldn't)23/8/2016 ![]() Magic is one of the most strong key notes that separates the fantasy world from the real world. If you are explaining to someone what role-playing is, the most common tie non-role-players have is bits and pieces pulled from pop culture. In those pop culture nods, there is always a mention of magic of some kind, whether this is a magic item, creature, or player character. Not only is fantasy known for magic, but it is also game changer in D&D. Magic can be the big event that keeps the player characters safe and can also be a great story hook. This magic power is never more raw and explainable than when it is wielded by the sorcerer class. So here are the reasons you should be playing this class in your next adventure (plus an annoying pet peeve of the class I have.) 1. Wicked Backstory I am a huge fan of character development within a game. The sorcerer class has to have a backstory to explain their innate magic abilities. Gone is the boring studious wizard, and in is the talent that you were born with. Your family bestowed this gift through your genes (or other means)! Think of it this way, you can still have the classic ‘entire family was killed by orcs’ backstory, but it could be part of a larger piece with those orcs trying to hunt down and end the last of your family line. You don't need the Orc hatred to be based purely on fear, because you are now a special snowflake (awww) and you can remind everyone else of that fact. 2. Spell twisting is twisted Sorcerers have unique tweak to the average spells of other classes. This metamagic (which you start to use at level 3) can enlarge the distance of your spells, protect your friends from that thunderwave you just crashed, extend the duration of your spells, and many other options. This alone adds an interesting flair to the character that holds this hereditary magic within her hands. How do you use this metamagic you ask? You get to use your sorcery points to create these effects (see #3.) 3. Sorcery Points These points represent the “wellspring of magic within yourself” (thank you, Player’s Handbook), and it gives your magic user even more adaptability. YOU ARE A MAGIC POWERHOUSE. You need an extra spell slot? You can use your sorcery points for that. You want more sorcery points for your metamagic (see above)? You can give up a spell slot for that. Basically, this makes the sorcerer a customizable dream character. This makes the heavy story role-players happy. “What an interesting twist for your character to put more into the spell to protect the misguided rogue.” This also makes the min-maxers happy. “You mean I can tweak my character consistently to be the most effective at my job? Wicked.” 4. That Magic Runs Wild The origins of your family magic can be a personal choice, but the Player’s Handbook has two overarching origins for you to play with. Wild Magic is one such origin. With such a rare gift, there is a 5% chance that when you cast a spell that a secondary magic effect (not of your choosing) takes place. I love how this shows the unbridled power of magic that runs through your body. You can seemingly control it… or can you? Choosing this path also gives you the ability to gain advantage in your roll, as you put everything into this one skill or saving throw. You can also get luck on your side by giving disadvantage to your foes as you reach higher levels. Wild. 1 reason you should rethink the sorcerer class…. Draconic ancestry… really? The other origin of your magic involves being related to dragons or something. Just don’t do it. Vanessa is a sarcastic, 30-something wife and mother (and it is her birthday today so she is 30-something plus 1 years old now). She likes things and stuff, but not simultaneously… they can’t touch on the plate. She thinks everyone should be roleplaying. Every time she writes a new article, she knows that she is outing herself as a role-player to more and more people. That scares her, but she eats fear for breakfast (and toast and coffee.) She sometimes bothers her friends to help with her blog articles which you can see here. She is also trying out this new twitter handle at @sarasma_nessa Leave a Reply. |
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