![]() Fomori: not just a mythological people from Irish myth, the fomori in World of Darkness are human beings (and other creatures) that have been infested by Banes. For those of you who might not know, Banes are the spirits of the Wyrm. They are the corrupting, destructive, and corrosive spiritual servants of the ultimate nihilistic force of oblivion. They are also mainly a feature of Werewolf: The Apocalypse. That said, why keep them only as antagonists for those furry chainsaws? Here are four story hook ideas for you to use in your games. 1) Fomori Against The Kindred A group of Brujah move into a set of dilapidated buildings in the center of Gary, Indiana. They’ve decided this will be the site of their next Rant. As they are sifting through the building, they notice a group of ‘homeless’ people that have a makeshift camp in the center of the space. That’s the last anyone heard from these Kindred. The only hints to what occured are the puddle of worms in a heap in the burn barrel. As the coterie investigates they discover that other young Kindred are being killed throughout the city, with little puddles of worms being found near their ashes. This is likely a collection of vampires infected by Thirster Banes, called Bloodworms, but perhaps it is some other form of Fomor. The options are numerous. 2) Quintessence Spiral The cabal has had a hard time of it lately. They have been chased by a cadre of Men in Black for nearly a month, finally settling into a small hotel far away from anything on an old tourist route. The group initially feels a sense of peace here. They set-up wards that they hope will ensure the MiBs don’t find them. As the days pass, one of the cabal notices that the hotel manager is a tad… eccentric. One of the other members discovers a small font of tass hidden in an old shed. Wait, there is a node here? Wait, is that the…. Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!!! This version of the Bates Motel is run by an Enticer or some other form of Bane that creates an initial sense of peace and tranquility. Then it feeds on the impending terror of its victims. This is great for a LARP idea too. 3) Dreams; Dark, Dark Dreams “Is it a Thallain?” the Pooka asked. “No, Michelle, no it’s something stranger... worse, maybe,” the Troll responded. Together they shivered as the creature crawled along the heads of the sleeping people. It had their brains exposed, but they were still alive, and it buzzed with glamour, even as it dripped with blood. I’d argue that Changelings themselves can’t become fomori, as they already are beings possessing a body. Still, they may be forced to interact with the powerful and evil forces of the Wyrm as it seeks to corrupt the world. Where do the Dark Dreaming and Malfeas meet? This is a Dream Devourer, a being that feeds off the dreams of the dying. Worse, they can merge with a human body and become something akin to a Dauntain, using a mix of Wyrm tainted gnosis and glamour to wreck havoc. 4) The Devil’s In The Details What is a Demon? What is Fae? What is a Spirit? These beings all share similarities and differences and it is nearly impossible to discern one over another. A group of Demons think they are battling against one of the ancient Earthbound. Instead they face a talon of the defiler Wyrm itself. Locked on Earth for millennia the talon has grown its own awareness, building up an Army to fight, destroy, and scour the world. How do the Demons react? Do they care? Do they destroy it as if it were an Earthbound? The fomori offer demons a challenge that appears familiar, but is mechanically different from the norm. What other ideas do you have for using Fomori in your games? Josh is the intrepid Chief Operations Officer of High Level Games. With 20 years of playing rpgs, Josh started with Mind's Eye Theater LARPs and loves the World of Darkness. He runs, www.keepontheheathlands.com to support his gaming projects. Josh is the administrator of the Inclusive Gaming Network on Facebook. He’s running a Changing Breeds game. He’s a serious advocate for inclusive gaming spaces, a father, and a graduate from the International Peace and Conflict Resolution graduate program at American University in Washington, D.C. You can also find Josh’s other published adventures here and here. Picture Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fomorians#/media/File:The_Fomorians,_Duncan_1912.jpg Leave a Reply. |
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