Foster is in the corporate office of Wendy's, and it is not looking good, friends. After a mysterious series of message via beeper and IM, sleeper agent Foster jumps into action to steal some spicy nugs. In fact, he was so sleepy of a sleeper agent, he doesn't even know the details of the heist. Or who else is helping. Or really anything at all. He has been sleeping very soundly. Good work, my boy. Also, stick around for the end of the show (if you don't already) for a dramatic reading of VP Quinn's offspring's beautifully written Alphapet book! Why isn't she writing articles for HLG yet?
The Dragon's Horde podcast feed can also be found on iTunes here! Email: [email protected] Reddit: Twitter: Patreon: Sean Patrick Fannon has been involved in the RPG community for several decades. He sat down with Quinn and Josh to discuss bringing in new players to the community and how to mentor them at the table. The discussion then shifts to discussing mentoring new creators and making positive changes to the gaming community. Evil Beagle Games commits to ensuring more voices are heard and being open to inclusive products. Quinn also takes a few good natured shots at Star Wars fans.
Our podcast is available on Google Play Music by clicking here! Our podcast is also available on iTunes, and you can get to it and subscribe easily by clicking here. Guys, we did it! We finally have a sponsorship from Wendy's! Well, I mean, we do in the podcast; we definitely do NOT have one in real life. Honestly, Andrew calls Wendy's like every week, and they still won't call him back. Let's play make believe for a bit and pretend what it would be like to be in the good graces of our lord and savior Kurt Kane.
The Dragon's Horde podcast feed can also be found on iTunes here! Email: [email protected] Reddit: Twitter: Patreon: Let's get down to business. We have goofed around quite a bit with October and getting back into the swing of things. How about we take an episode and really get deep into some questions? Sound good? Good. Because that's what happens today. Also, things go south with Foster and that demon. Like, things literally go down. Like, Foster gets sent to hell. Turns out, its filled with AT&T salesmen; who would'a thunk it!
The Dragon's Horde podcast feed can also be found on iTunes here! Email: [email protected] Reddit: Twitter: Patreon: Foster and Andrew are back at it again now that October is over! Holy cow. Wasn't that just the bee's knees? We pick right back up where we left off as Foster and crew board an undead cruise for some well deserved R&R. But wait! We have a podcast to do! That doesn't sound like compelling audio. How about we spice things up a bit with a murder, set tensions to a roaring boil, and garnish with a contract demon. (The food metaphor is totally gonna make sense later. You are going to be like, "Wow. That sure does make sense.")
The Dragon's Horde podcast feed can also be found on iTunes here! Email: [email protected] Reddit: Twitter: Patreon: |
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